Vacuum deposition of coatings at PVA TePla is utilized by a Plasma Enhanced Chemical Vapor Deposition (PECVD) process. This process is one of many types of deposition coating processes. This type, PECVD, is the most environmentally friendly process. The process uses a dry chemical reaction in a plasma reactor to enhance the chemical reaction rates of the precursors. Lower processing temperature is an advantage of PECVD. It also allows for deposition of organic coatings at the lower temperatures.
PVA Tepla America offers contract processing services for deposition of coatings. Our techniques have been implemented for over 40 years.
PVA Tepla America offers contract processing services for precision plasma cleaning. Our techniques have been implemented for over 40 years. Call us today for a demonstration or quotation.
Research and Development Services are available to identify and characterize new and unique surface treatments to your specifications.
Sample Request Form… If you are interested in submitting samples for analysis please download and fill out our sample request form or contact our customer service department at 1.800.527.5667 for more information.
To deposit a thin film from plasma activated species in the gas-phase onto a solid. A number of structural features can be controlled from 3D architecture to primary polymer structure.